All our programming are non-profit initiatives.
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Sponsorship Opportunities
The Shanghai Healing Home is funded 100% by the generous donations of our sponsors and one-time donors.
We are very grateful to accept donations of any amount and form. Below are suggested sponsorship plans if you or a group of your friends would like to fully sponsor the cost of one baby’s daily expenses. Name a baby by being the first sponsor of one of our new babies. 上海医治之家完全依靠我们的资助者,合作伙伴和其他捐助者的资助而运行。无论资助金额多少,我们都非常感激。如果你或者你的朋友团体希望资助我们的宝宝的 日常花费,以下是一些资助计划。 通过成为我们新宝贝中的第一位宝贝资助者可以为孩子取名字
SHH Full Baby Sponsorship
Name a baby by being the first baby sponsor of one of our new babies.通过成为我们新宝贝中的第一位宝贝资助者可以为孩子取名字Become a Full Baby Sponsors with a commitment of 5,000 RMB or 800 USD per month for 12 months. This covers all costs for one (1) baby. 成为孩子全部花费的资助者需保证12个月以每月5000RMB或800USD的资助。这包含了一个宝宝的所有花费。
SHH Baby Care Sponsorship
Baby Care sponsorship covers the cost of the care givers providing 24 hour care for each baby. Be a Baby Care Sponsor by committing 3,000 RMB or 475 USD per month. 这些费用用于宝宝的24小时看护。新来的宝宝的第一个资助者,可以为他取名。
SHH Medical Sponsorship 手术资助
Become a medical sponsor, which covers unexpected medical expenses due to intensive care, surgeries and hospitalization for illness with a one-time donation of 10,000 RMB. 次性资助 10000人民币成为一个手术的资助。
SHH Home Sponsorship
We have just moved in to our new home! Be a home sponsor and help the cost for monthly operating the home for our babies. Each month our home rental and operational cost is approximately 22,000RMB or 3400USD.
Please click link below for the LIST.
Learning Beyond Academy Education Sponsorship 孩子教育资助
As a new school year approaches we are seeking contributions for three of our precious SHH and Full-time staff children to attend the Learning Beyond Academy. You may contribute to fund scholarships that would provide an education they might otherwise never receive. Sponsor a child’s full time education at LBA 4,000RMB/month
Equip Student-Intern Sponsorship
Become a sponsor of one of our full-time, adult, interns who have committed themselves to being trained for full time ministry and community service. These interns, both young and old, have made a decision to walk away from career and pursue full-time service. The cost of each intern's living and education is approximately 8,500RMB or $1,300USD.
Charity Dream Shanghai Project Sponsorship
At Charity Dream Shanghai we have development projects on going year around. These projects may be expanding classrooms in LBA, adding staffing quarters at the healing home, purchasing a new multi-purpose vehicle, or purchasing a whole set of books and curriculum for our school programs. Become a project sponsor to be a part of either funding and/or providing a team of workers to support the next needed work project. We will be happy to send you our *needs list* for you to decide what project would be best for your group.
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Become A Sponsor
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