1. Question: Is the assessment going to be conducted in English? Q: 将采用英文进行进行测试吗?
Answer: No. Assessments will be done in Chinese. English staff may interact with the students and ask questions to the children but their answers won’t affect the results of the assessment. A:否。测试将用中文进行。讲英文的员工会与学生进行互动,向孩子发问,但是孩子的答案不会影响到测试结果。
2. Question: What will assessment be like? Q: 测试将怎样进行?
Answer: Assessments will be done inside a regular classroom. Students will be grouped and activities will be prepared for them. A: 测试将在一个普通的教室进行。 学生将被分组,我们为他们准备了一些活动。
3. Question: What do you look for in the assessment? Q: 您在测试中考察哪些方面?
Answer: We are looking for classroom readiness skills. We will look at your child’s social, listening, and independence skills. This includes but not limited to interaction with teachers and peers, participation in activities, and self-help. A: 我们将考察孩子是否已经具备了能力为进入课堂做好准备。我们将观察您孩子的社交、倾听、自主性等能力。包括但不限于与教师和同伴进行的互动,参与各项活动,自理能力。
4. Question: What happens if my child passes the assessment? Q: 如我的孩子通过了测试,接下来做什么?
Answer: You will be notified by our admissions staff on the same day of the assessment You will be given information on how to move forward with the enrollment. A: 测试当天您即可得知结果,招生办工作人员将告知您接下来如何注册。
5. Question: What happens if my child fails the assessment? Q:如果我的孩子没有通过测试呢?
Answer: You will be notified by our admissions staff on the same day of the assessment. You can reapply for reassessment after three months. You should take initiative to email or call admissions to schedule reassessment. A: 您将在测试当日得知结果。如未能通过您可在三个月后再次申请测试。请主动与招办电话或者邮件联系,确认再次测试的时间。
6. Question: What should I do to prepare my child for reassessment? Q: 如孩子需要再次测试我将做哪些准备?
Answer: As we are looking at skills that were mentioned on question #3, provide activities for your children that strengthen these skills. A: 我们将考察的技能请参考问题3,请为您的孩子准备一些活动加强这些技能.
7. Question: Can I apply for reassessment after my child fails the second assessment? Q: 我的孩子两次测试都未能通过,我可以申请再次测试吗?
Answer: Yes. You can reapply for reassessment after three months. You should take initiative to email or call admissions to schedule reassessment. A: 可以。您可在三个月后再次申请测试。请您主动电话或者邮件联系招办,确定再次测试的时间。
8. Question: Do I need to pay extra for reassessment? Q: 孩子再次测试我还要再缴费吗?
Answer: No. Assessment fee is one time. You will not be charged extra for reassessment. A: 不需要。缴费一次即可。再次测试不收费。
9. Question: Can I register my child even before he/she turns the desired age for his/her class level? Q: 孩子年龄未达到他/她所申请的年级,我可以注册测试吗?
Answer: Yes. Your child will be scheduled for assessment when he/she reaches the right age. A: 可以。您的孩子将在达到所申请的年级时被安排测试。
10. Question: What language will regular classes be conducted? Q: 通常上课将讲什么语言?
Answer: All regular classes will be conducted in English. A: 全部的常规课程都将采用英语进行