School Principal Search for 17/18 School Year
Start date: August 1, 2017
Location: Located in Shanghai, PRC
Position Overview
School Description
Learning Beyond Academy, launched in 2010, is a private, non-profit, International curriculum school of more than 350 students from pre-kindergarten to grade 12 and after school programs. LBA takes pride in our Christian environment and character building focus.
School Mission
Learning Beyond Academy provides a holistic, character building, learning environment that promotes a love for learning. We endeavor to enhance each child's experience by giving them every opportunity to succeed and become responsible citizens with a global perspective.
Principal Position
The LBA School Principal serves in all matters as the Educational and Community Leader of all LBA programs. The Principal ensures that all programs and practices of faculty and staff support the school's mission, vision and philosophy on a day-to-day basis. The Principal will lead Pre-Kindergarten Middle High School and After school programs being responsible for providing a supportive working, learning environment and student learning outcomes.
Is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
Holds valid educational supervisory degrees and credentials.
Experience in leading a position of similar responsibility with achieving desired outcomes.
Is a motivated, mission driven individual able to maintain an organization’s mission and culture.
Experience and/or skill set needed to hire, lead and motivate a staff.
Demonstrates the ability to envision, think through, plan and act strategically.
Detail orientated to work through contracts, registrations, strategic partnerships.
High level interpersonal, communication skills.
Understanding and enthusiasm for working in an International setting.
Demonstrates a passion for nurturing a strong community.
Demonstrates a determination to continue to develop the program.
Application Process Documents:
Personal Statement
A statement outlining your statement of faith, why the you desire to work at LBA in Shanghai, and how you can contribute to fulfilling the mission of our school.
Resume / Curriculum Vitae
Details outlining qualification, degrees, certifications, and work experience.
Two Reference Letters
Two lettersof reference: one from applicants Pastor outlining the character, faith and communityinvolvement and a one letter from current or past employer outlining the candidates performance and contribution made to their organization.
Documents can be emailed to:
Detailed Job Description
The Principal is responsible for all desired outcomes of the academic programs within Charity Dream Shanghai.
The LBA Principal has the responsibility to implement of all the policies within the staff, student, and parent handbooks.
The Principal shall not cause or allow any practice, activity or decision that is not in line with mission or is unlawful, unethical, or is in violation of Biblical standards.
The Principal will be present at all LBA Board of Director and Advisory Counsel meetings prepared to report on the operations of the programs.
Mission and Culture
The Principal is responsible for implementing and maintaining the school culture and mission as set forth by the Board of Directors.
The Principal ensures that matters affecting the culture of the school or that may result in significant cultural change to the school are consulted on with the Founding Members of the Board of Directors.
The Principal is required to implement the management structure approved by the Board of Directors. Any proposed changes to the management structure including the additions of management level positions will require Board of Director approval.
The Principal ensures that a *culture of care* is continually being pursued among team and community.
The Principal, working closely with the Director of Schools, ensures that team daily devotion is being facilitated first thing each morning and that daily school assembly remains a central part of the school.
Hiring Staff
The Principal shall be a member of the hiring committee, with the Chairman and Director of Schools, with the shared responsibility to ensure all approved positions are filled, with the best available candidates, and within the budget parameters approved by the Board of Directors.
The Principal is responsible for conducting first interviews of all applicants and filtering through applicants who are eligible to continue through the hiring process.
The Principal, working closely with the Chairman, shall have the authority to authorize the HR Director to send offer letters in a timely matter as to secure the needed positions.
The Principal will ensure that all new staff profess and demonstrate a commitment to Christian faith in accordance and agreement with LBA’s statement of faith.
The Principal will ensure that recruitment via websites, recruiter platforms, and recruitment fairs (when/if needed) is managed and effective.
Financial Management
The Principal shall be a member of the budgeting committee, with the Chairman and Operations Director. The Principal will work closely with the Chairman on all matters pertaining to budget.
The Principal shall prepare, propose and manage the budget as it pertains to studentand academic objectives. (The Operations Director manages the facility and operations budget)
The Principal shall report in each regular schedule Board of Directors meeting the financial performance with respect to student enrollment and the approved budget.
The Principal is authorized to approve and oversee expenditures within approved budget parameters.
The Principal will propose capital projects annually to the Board of Director for budget approval and will ensure the allocated capitals funds are used for set projects and do not exceed budget parameters.
Critical Issues
The Principal will not allow for the Board of Directors to be uniformed of critical issues which will impact the reputation or regular operations of the school.
Educational Planning
The Principal will work closely with the Board of Directors to formulate a long term strategiceducation plan to give expression to the mission and goals of the Board of Directors.
The Principal is solely responsible to make an annual education plan, based on achieving long term strategic goals.
The annual plan includes but is not limited to: enrollment goals, curriculum goals, curriculum mapping, master teacher and classroom assignments, master school class schedule and school calendar, annual team professional development goals, after school program, summer camp planning, school wide events, policy development and review, ect…
School Presence
The Principal understands the importance of being the School leader and demonstrating a Christian example for all the team to follow. The Principal also understands the importance of being present on the school grounds during operational hours, with the only exception being city wide events or professional development/accreditation opportunities, in which his/her presence is required. In this regard the Principal agrees to not take personal leave, other than emergency situations, while school is in session.
Team structure and development
The Principal is the Direct report for all LBA and ELS team leads, Admins, and/or supervisors.
The Principal will ensure that every program and/or division of the school is assigned a team leader and that each team meets at a minimum of once a week for a minimum of one hourper meeting to discuss operational goals, learning objectives, up coming events, or any other critical or non-critical time that requires team collaboration.
The Principal is responsible for meeting all enrollment goals set forth within the approved annual budget.
The Principal shall oversee the admissions process to ensure every new applicant is processed according to the admissions policy.
The Principal is authorized to make the final decision for accepting new students into school programs.
The admissions process will use the assigned database software to properly track student data and records.
Teacher support
The Principal is responsible for ensuring that all teachers are supported. Teacher support includes but is not limited to: Teacher in-service, oversight for student learning goals, professional development, team motivation, team building, student discipline (using love n logic), parent complaints, classroom management expectations. quickschools grading management platform, lesson planning- implementation of use and training and troubleshooting, teacher classroom observations
Development of School & Classroom Curriculum, Resources and Libraries
The Principal is to ensure that all inventory is properly accounted for, which includes the implementation of oversight of: Collecting, inventorying and maintaining of all curriculum and teacher resources. As well as collaborate withthe Curriculum Coordinator and admin for budget and purchasing of curriculum and curriculum review.
Student oversight and safety
The Principal is responsible for student learning and student safety and is responsible for ensuring the proper supervision of students in the classroom, on the school campus and off-campus during school-related activities.
Academic Events set expectations of learning goals, rubrics, project goals, event schedule, assignment of event leaders, communicate to parents, teachers, team as well as support with needed resources and the implementation ofITBS.
School wide communication, Parent meetings, PR releases, Marketing
The Chairman and Principal are the only authorized persons who are able to speak publicly on behalf of the school.
The Principal shall take the lead on all regular school wide communication including but not limited to: weekly newsletters, marketing collaterals, website information, parent orientations, parent open house, ect…
Major PR releases shall be discussed with Chairman or School Director before releasing.
The Principal will ensure that the Active Parent group has a functioning core team and annual schedule in place supporting program needs.
School handbook
The Principal is responsible for the continual development and maintaining of an updated accurate staff, student, and parent handbook that is to be distributed each year. Any significant revisions or additions within the handbooks must first receive Board of Directors approval before releasing to the public.
Accreditation Lead
The Principal is responsible to meet all accreditation goals within a three year time frame. This includes but is not limited to: the self study, and all documentation requirements, acting as the team lead and contact person for ACSI, ect…
Database and software usage
The Principal is responsible to use approved database software for tracking staff, student and family information grades and all other information useful for program development. The Principal will first approve all software used within programs to accomplish program goals.
Statement of Faith
The Principal agrees to uphold the statement of faith and to maintain these doctrinal standards within the team.
II Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; Exodus 24:4; II Peter 3:2
The Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Scriptures are the divine revelations given from God and received by Man, and as such, are the only such revelations that are inspired and infallible. The Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and morals. The Word of God is the direct revelation of the will of God for all men and for all time. The Scriptures were plenary-verbally inspired, that is the Holy Spirit breathed upon men the very words and thoughts He wanted in conjunction with the writers personalities, traits and emotions. The Holy Spirit guarded and preserved each thought, phrase and word from any error, omission or inaccuracy.
Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 48:16; Matthew 28:19; Ephesians 4:4-6
Our God and Father is revealed in Scriptures as the eternal Godhead, the Trinity, who has shown Himself as one God, existing in three persons - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. The Godhead is distinguishable but indivisible in essence; co-eternal, co-existent, co-equal in nature, attributes, power and glory. God is one undivided and invisible essence, yet with three eternal distinctions: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Colossians 1:15-19; Philippians 2:5-8; I Timothy 2:5-6; John 1:1-3, 14-18
The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who pre-existed with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Through the virgin birth, Jesus took upon Himself the form of Man, revealing Himself as the God-Man. Jesus Christ was sinless, perfect, crucified, buried, resurrected, ascended, glorified and He will come again to earth a second time for His bride the Church. He is the perfect Mediator between God and Man because in the person of Christ is the fully divine and the fully human. Of the same substance with the Father as to His divinity, yet of the same substance with us as to His humanity. Perfect in deity, perfect in humanity.
Matthew 3:11; John 14:16-17; Acts 1:8; Acts 2, Mark 16:15
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. He is co-equal, co-eternal and co-existent with the Father and with the Son. His ministry upon the earth is to convict and covert man as well as be the great paraclete (comforter, counselor, helper, intercessor, advocate, strengthener and standby) to the Church. The Holy Spirit is the One who fills us with power to live a victorious joyful Christian life.
Romans 5:12-21; Romans 10:9-10; John 3:16-17; I John 3:8
Man is a created being and was made in the likeness and image of God (both male and female). But, through Adam's transgression and fall, sin came into the world and passed upon all men. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was manifested to undo the work of the devil and gave His life and shed His blood to redeem and restore man back to God. Salvation is the free gift of God to Man and is made operative by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This salvation experience occurs when an individual confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and believes in his heart that God has raised Him from the dead.
Ephesians 1:22, 2:19-22; Hebrews 12:23; John 17:11, 20-23
The church is the Body of Christ, the habitation of God through the Spirit, with divine appointments for the fulfillment of Jesus' Great Commission. Every person who is born of the Spirit is an integral part of the church as a member of the body of believers. There is a spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ will physically and visibly return to earth for the second time to establish His Kingdom. This will occur at a date undisclosed by the Scriptures.