The Kingdom of God is advancing…
Today’s 90 day NT reading challenge is Matthew 19 - 21
For many families today it is back to school day after a long CNY winter break. It is always fun :) to get our kids back into the habit of getting up early, getting dressed, brushing teeth, eating their breakfast, and out the door in time for the arrival bell. This is similar to reprogramming ourselves to be daily Bible readers. Maybe you have been on break, from reading your Bible, for a long time and now it is time to get back in the routine. We have to make reading the Word a priority every day. Even if you get up late and are not able to get your devotion done first thing in the morning you still need to FIO (figure it out) a time to get er' done. Find a time, prioritize a time, to get to a quiet place to spend time with Jesus. I know a lot of people read the Bible on the metro and buses on the way to work. The bus seems like a little better place than the metro, though both of these places are hard to get any real privacy. A private, quiet, prayer closet will always be a more effective place for spending time with Jesus. But do what you have to to get er’ done.
Matt 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force…
The Word is teaching us about the nature of the continual challenges the Kingdom of God will face upon this earth. Every since the days of John and then Jesus the Kingdom of God, upon the earth, has been receiving push back from all the powers that be in the world. It may even be hard to see that progress is being made in your ministry, connect group, family, personal evangelism efforts, ect…. But this is no reason to worry because the Kingdom of God will continue to press forward until the purposes of God are fulfilled and Jesus returns for His Church. The Church is stronger today than it was yesterday and will be stronger tomorrow than it is today. The “increase of His Kingdom” will not cease until that great day of His return.
With this advancement of the Kingdom ongoing each of us are required to engage and get in the game. Kingdom work is not for wimps! Extra effort, steady determination in the face of violence and challenges, opening our mouths and putting your hands to work is required to advancement the Kingdom in your world.
Matt. 11:2 And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples 3 and said to Him, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” 4 Jesus answered and said to them, “ Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: 5 The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
Jesus told John’s disciples to tell John the things they *hear* and *see*. Kingdom work is about speaking it and doing it. Kingdom workers cannot be quiet and Kingdom workers cannot be passive. We need to be a graciously, lovingly, kind, joyful, *FORCEFUL* people in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of God upon this earth. But we do not have to do it by ourselves or depending on our own power…
2 Corinthians 4: 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us…..
The power to get er’ done is of God and not of us. Just open your mouth and speak the Word of God, join your hands with someone and pray with them, find someone hurting and encourage them… go out today and advance the Kingdom in your world.